“Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”


A literary evening was held on March 29, 2016 in the reading room №1   («А» building) on the theme: “Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”, dedicated to the Nauryz holiday. It was attended A. Bolysbek a dean of the high school “CEaBT”, O. Bayysbay a deputy of dean of the high school “CEaBT”, E. Baygonusov a director of the department of educational work of youth policy, S.Beysenbaev a senior curator of  SKSU, K. Isabayev a senior curator, T. Eszhan a student’s rector, H. Shambulova, B. Zhumabayeva heads of sectors of EIC, K. Moldaseitova,
S. Satkynbekova, S. Esdauletova librarians of EIC, teachers and students of the university.  Participants in the evening congratulated those present on the holiday of spring and renewal, stressed the importance of the existence of Nauryz holiday.
This evening sounded Kazakh songs and kui, the Kazakh folk dances. Book exhibition was organized on the theme: “Наурыз - Ұлыстың ұлы күні”. The most active students were awarded diplomas. The most active students were awarded with certificates.

Mukhtar Auezov

