Мероприятия библиотеки

21 апреля 2022 года в Южно-Казахстанском университете имени М. Ауэзова открылась Международная научно-практическая конференция


"АУЭЗОВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ – 20: наследие Мухтара Ауэзова-Сокровища нации", посвященная 125-летию М. О. Ауэзова. Открывая мероприятие, Председатель Правления-Ректор учебного заведения Кожамжарова Д. П. поздравила присутствующих и пожелала им успехов в работе конференции. В ходе конференции образовательный - информационный центр организовал книжную выставку, посвященную научно-практической конференции, посвященной 125-летию М. О. Ауэзова. Также состоялась презентация книг «Визит М. Ауэзова на юг", «Антология литературы древности» в 3-х томах, «Любовные поэмы» в 5-ти томах и «Древние мотивы Великой степи " в 2-х томах, подготовленные учеными Института литературы и искусства им. М. Ауэзова и учеными научного центра «Мұхтартану» Южно-Казахстанского университета им. М. Ауэзова


Ұлыстың ұлы күні – Наурыз мейрамымен шын жүректен құттықтаймыз!


Ежелден жаңарту мен жасампаздықтың бастауы, ырыс пен берекенің арқауы болған Әз - Наурыз қажырлы еңбектеріңізге толағай табыстар әкелсін. Молшылық, бақыт, береке, бірлік, бейбіт өмір тілейміз!

Omir zholy


March 3, 2022 a roundtable was held on the theme "Omir zholy", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov in the main reading hall of the Educational and Information Center of the M. Auezov SKU, with the participation of students of department “Civil law and civil procedure” faculty of “Jurisprudence”.

During the event K.T. Bimenov deputy dean and M.T. Blasheva master talked about poet, that A. Baitursynov also developed the basics of Kazakh and the scientific terminology for the definition of Kazakh grammar. During the Russian Revolution of 1917 occurred, Baitursynov returned to the steppes and began to work with the members of Alash Orda. With them, he sought for the Kazakhs to have an independent state. In 1937, he was executed by a firing squad during the Great Purge. Students also shared their thoughts and a thematic exhibition was organized.



Tarikh kan men zhazylyp, kan men tuzetiledi


An event dedicated to the people's writer of Kazakhstan Abish Kekilbaev was held on the theme "Tarikh kan men zhazylyp, kan men tuzetiledi" in the reading room №5 of the Educational Information Center of the SKU named after M. Auezov, with the participation of students "Fashion and Design"specialty of "Culture and Sports" faculty.

      During the event, students of the MS-21-13k1 group read the poems of Abish Kekilbaev "Altyn shuak", "Bir Shukim bult", "The end of the legend", "Urker". Sh.B. Sembieva, Zh. Moldakhmetova, G. Kablanova history teachers spoke about the writer's work. Zh.Zh.Erezhepova an emploee of library organized a thematic exhibition, showed a video and thanked the students for active participation in the event.


Ulttyn Uly tulgasy


February 28, 2022 a literary and musical evening was held on the theme "Ulttyn Uly tulgasy", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh spiritual leader, the great teacher Akhmet Baitursynov in the main reading hall of the Educational and Information Center of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, organized by library and "Management and Business" higher school. During the event a thematic exhibition was organized and a video was shown about his work and services to the people of Kazakhstan. M. Seidakhmetov candidate of economics, associate professor, dean of the Higher School "Management and Business" spoke about the contribution of the educator, teacher, reformer of national writing A. Baitursynov to the Kazakh language through political activity.


Mukhtar Auezov

